Friday, February 15, 2008

Great phone call from SW today!

So our social worker called me like 5 pm-ish and told me that C came in and got her thank you card we brought to the agency for her and she was really happy and told our SW that she would love if I would come to her next Dr. appt with her, which is scheduled for 8 a.m. this wednesday!!!! I actually get to go with her and see the ultrasound of the baby! Oh my gosh!!!! Also, I could mean nothing right now...but SW also said that C has been having contractions the last few nights and told her that she'd be really happy if she could have this baby this weekend!!!! Wouldnt that be something! And my parents and aunt and cousins are here in town this weekend! I'm not counting on it but if it perfect! Well just thought I'd share that news before I hit the sack. Long day of baby shopping ahead of us tomorrow!! Yay!!!


LL said...

That is a great phone call! Now i will be waiting to hear if this baby will be born early...but if not I am looking forward to hearing about the doc appt and the ultrasound.

S said...

Enjoy that time. We too got to go with bmom to see the ultrasound. You will just be amazed!

Kim said...

Hi - I just found your blog and I am so excited for you! What a great phone call and I hope the ultrasound is a great experience for you.

Colette said...

Hi...I can't remember where I found your blog...but good luck! Our BM was in labor for 4 weeks! We kept thinking...this is the was brutal! I hope you are in the hospital holding you baby as I type! I will check back soon! Hugs