Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Here we go.....

Looks like things are moving along quicker than expected. Today we received our packet of paperwork to complete! We sent in our application one week and two days ago and were told that within the next 2-3 weeks we would be recieving this information. Might have helped that we attended the adoption meeting a few months back and the gal who was giving out the information happens to be our assigned social worker and we have been in touch with her via email.

It's a pretty thick stack of papers that we are gonna be pluggin away full of consent forms, autobiography, medical records...etc. They want us to work at our own speed; with how excited we are to get this going, we could have it in the mail by tomorrow :o) Once we turn all paperwork in and inventories are taken, we will meet with the social worker at least three times, maybe six to discuss and develop our adoption plan. The goal is to complete the assessment in three months from the date the forms are all returned to their office. We will be planning on attending a 2 day educational and preparation workshop in the spring.

It is so exciting to see this all come together! We just hope and pray that they are going to see what great parents we will make! So stay tuned for more updates! Love to you all.

1 comment:

knd said...

Dan & Lacy:
We are so excited for the two of you! Words cant express our support and love. What a blessing to add to your family and selfishly enough I will be another baby's "favorite Auntie" I hope! We are so excited to welcome your new arrival! Thank you for including all of us in your process it is very thoughtful! And our excitement can build right along with yours. You are in our prayers, what a calling you are responding to. You have the chance to change childrens lives which to me is what parents are for
Love you