Thursday, August 9, 2007

The big day is coming....

So our first home assessment meeting is finally set with our SW. She's coming over to meet with us in our home next Friday morning (the 17th) at 9 a.m.!!!! Holy crap! I'm so planning on cleaning like a psycho this weekend (even though it's not that messy around here) but still! I want everything to be perfect. I've been told by other potential adoptive mothers that all we need to do is clean like our mother-in-law is coming because they're not gonna be checkin closets or coming in with white gloves....which is good when you've got a dog that sheds like a maniac! I can't believe how fast this is all coming together. After this meeting, we individually will each meet with her once, and then once more together to go over our personality test. She sent in our criminal background checks the other day and those should take 4-6 weeks to come back give or take. Aye yay yay! I hope that the placement comes quick after this is all done but we could only be so lucky right. Cant let myself get excited and caught up in the momentum of things and then find out we'll be waiting a year or two for a placement. Must protect myself and be prepared for what is to come. I know God has this all planned out for us and we just need to trust in Him that it will all happen in due time and pray that our wait wont be too long.

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