Saturday, September 8, 2007

Tell me again about the night I was born....

We got our book today in the mail! Was disappointed but at the same time a little pleased to see that it wasnt the larger hardcover book that I had seen in barns and noble. Instead its the small hard page square book that will withstand the wear and tear of small hands turning pages. As I read it, Lord...the tears. I ponder how either of us are going to be able to get through reading this book to our baby without turning into a couple of puddles. It's so sweet and the illustration is too cute for words. Lots of things going on in the pictures for a child to point out. The page that stands out the most...and key for this story...

'Tell me again how you couldn't grow a baby in your tummy, so another woman who was too young to take care of me was growing me and she would be my birth mother, and you would adopt me and be my parents.'

I love this book. Can't wait to get to share this story with our child :o)


Rachel said...

I LOVE this book! After we decided to adopt this was the first baby item I bought. I sat in Barnes and Noble and BAWLED!!! I love it for so many reasons.

I also bought a copy for my 5 niece and nephews (all under 5) so they can invision and see how adopting a baby works.

But I cannot wait to read it to my child so they can see that there is so much to their "birthstory". Even if it's different than the "norm".

Rachel said...

are you kidding me? I totally heart myspace :-)