Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Yesterday completed our home assessment! We had our final meeting with Kristin and minus a few loose ends that need tying up, we are ready to go in the book of families! I'm just on cloud nine today...especially since when I woke up this morning, rolled over to give my hubby a kiss and as he woke up with one eye open he said to me..."Good morning mother." ...in return I said to him 'Good morning father.' I had a huge cheese on my face and still do! Now we've got to kick things up a notch. We've gotta start gathering pictures and I've gotta get my scrapbooking juices flowing to get these pages together. We've gotta get our nursery stuff together, probably go get on a baby registry or two in the next week or so. So much to do!! I think I might have to go and order one of those shirts that I mentioned awhile back from that website 'not showing'. I mean, women that are preggers wear cute stuff and shirts that make reference to their big bump...why cant I right :o)

One thing I'm a bit sad about is that after Kristin finishes typing up our report, she's going to be leaving us and moving out of state :o( Meaning we'll be assigned a whole new person but at least we'll be done with our assessment and wont have to finish it with someone else. But bummer she wont know us as well as Kristin. Poo poo. So I just had to share our fabulous news! Keep us and our baby in your prayers! Thanks everyone for your love and support through all this :o)

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