Saturday, August 25, 2007

Talk about quick!!

Thought I'd share that we officially have two home assessment meetings left; one of which will be done on Tuesday and the other possibly in the next week or two also not in September as she first thought! The personality test we took came back earlier than expected and thats the last meeting we need to have is to go over that test. Only thing we'd be waiting on is the criminal check. Can you believe how quick this is going? To hell with the three months...lets try do it in half the time! This is all fine and great knowing that we're getting through so quick but at the same time, we're trying to prepare for this baby. So hard for us to not just say, "Alright....We're workin on the profile this weekend and as soon as Kristin gives us the green light, BOOM, profile in book, (and what if.....) BOOM, birth mother picks us one month later, BOOM, due to deliver 2 months after that! So everyone else gets 9 months to have their baby so why can't I just be so patient? Must allow time to get the nursery in order (which Project Nursery is already underway) and get the crib next month and perhaps a shelving unit...etc whatever else we can swing next month. I already found a diaper bag I like! Family...Friends...DONT...and I repeat DONT go into Wizard of Kids thats in the TJ Maxx plaza strip. ITS THE DEVIL!!!Thats where I saw the diaper bag among a milllion other pricy items I would love to have for the baby! Ugh. Hard not to leave there with everything in hand. Ok...vent over :o) Another thing we've started to do is collect books, which I might add that HALF.COM is a great site to find discounted books. We want to start collecting childrens books that will be helpful in explaining their adoption story to them as they are growing up. One which I have been told was one of the best by many other adoptive monthers is one of the books written by Jamie Lee Curtis called "Tell Me About the Night I was Born." So I went in to Barnes and Noble to check it out and perhaps get it and was talkin to mom on the phone as I read it...had to stop because I started tear up. Its going to be the most perfect book! If you are ever in Barnes and Noble, swing through the kids section and just flip through a few pages. Its going to be absolutely perfect. So instead of paying $18 at B&N, the thrifty shopper that I are found it online for $8 same with a copy of What to Expect the First Year to use as a reference to help us know how to care for our baby. I'm sure we'll have all our fam and friends helpin us out with things, but I've heard its a good book to reference to. Others on the list: "A is for Adopted", "A Blessing from Above", and for an adult read, "The Complete Adoption Book"--which I've read another adoptive mother say she keeps it on her coffee table. So...with all those books, planning the nursery, finishing meetings, getting our profile ready, moving office, painting, etc...we've got our hands full for a bit! Just in throwing around time frames, we thought that if our home assessment gets finalized that we'll maybe put our profile in the book maybe end of December-ish. Just gotta play it by ear! Will keep you posted though! Thanks for all your love and support and keep us in your prayers that all comes together as He has planned it for us!

1 comment:

sharip said...

AAAHHHAAAHHHH!!! If you can't tell, I am screaming with joy for you!! My sister and her husband waited a total of 1 year after everything started to have their baby girl in their arms. And now they have two. God sure does have his plan laid out for you two!! It couldn't go any smoother. I am so excited for you guys!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to hold your baby and spoil him/her rotten!!!! Trust me, I am working hard on getting JT to move to the Fargo area!!!